Saturday, April 7, 2012

Thoughts On: Aspergers

Today I desided to start a new thing called Thoughts On: where I talk about subjects that garnner my intrest. Todays topic: Aspergers.

Let us clear the air first. I have Aspergers, no lies or anything like most people that I've meet that clames this (though why they want to puzzles me).

Asperger's Syndrome/Disorder (make up your minds people) is part of the autism spectrum disorder or higher functioning autism. It is characterized by a lack of social interaction and restrictive behaviors.

That is what the doctors said to me when I was diagnosed at age 12, or was it 13? Now this threw a wrench in what I see myself. I knew I was diffrent from the other kids at the time, but putting a lable on me made me a little distressed. See I could really interact with other without looking like a total goof. And it was hard anough to make firendly with the others when they are kicking you on the ground. My aspergers also had me develop depression at an early age (though I also blame others on that too) so they had to hop me up on anti-depressents.

You might be say "well geez that sucks", well yes and no. See over the past year I've been coming to terms with this. Learning about it helped me a lot and social theropy help. I also meet others like me in the real world that had me put it in perspective. Sure people alienated me in school for this (didn't help that they were pushing me to comit suiside), but hey it made me who I am right now.

I also comend others that try to understand this like my family and the few friends I have. Yes they have to put up with my shit all the time (I try not to I swear). Also the people like me that want it reconized as not a disese that needs a cure but as something that just is.

So yeah I live with it, I let it define me a little bit, but it's not entirely who I am. I lissen to people, I draw, have fun like the rest, and above all I like the little company that I can get, like all of you on the internet out there.

Can't stop the signal (or what I've been doing)

So it's been a long time sence the last post, yeah.

A lot of things happend, droped out of college, got a job, restarted Warmachine, miniatures collect dust, reavaluating friendships, apparently someone at Dropship Horizon is following me (sorry >-<), and let us not forget drawing. 

What are my new plans now? Restart the Wargaming club at Six Feet Under Games (New Holland, PA) is one. Asking a friend if she would like to be apart of my web comic project. Oh and restarting 15mm painting along with a Khador force.

I'll get back to you guys soon... hopefully I don't go through an Emo Bitch moment again (thats why I've not been updating.).